Information for you! - Early Pregnancy
Your appointments with us
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Please find important information on what to do before and what to expect from your visit with us.
Medications and Supplements
Please continue taking any medications prescribed by us. If you need more medications before your appointment please call to arrange a brief phone call so we can do this for you. Generally these quick calls only for re-issue of current prescriptions are bulk-billed. Re-issue outside of consultation are $25.
We will review your medications at your visit and provide you with written plans for how long to use or when to stop.
Make sure you are either taking a pregnancy mulivitamin, or folic acid and iodine for pregnancy.
Appointment with Us
We will normally see you for an appointment between 6 to 7 weeks. This appointment is to confirm there is an intrauterine pregnancy by ultrasound, review your medications and prescriptions, and discuss any issues of concern.
If you have previously had an ectopic pregnancy please inform us so we can see you sooner.
After this consultation we advise you to make contact with your GP or preferred obstetrician to begin routine pregnancy care, including blood tests and screenings. Please note: We are not able to arrange for tests or manage pregnancy beyond 10 weeks gestation.
We would generally see you again 10 to 14 days later between 8 to 9 weeks for a final review and ultrasound.
Problems or Concerns
Please contact us, your GP, or City Fertility Centre if you have been a patient with them. We encourage you to report ongoing bleeding, cramping or pain (especially if on the left or right side). After-hours or weekends your local hospital may be easiest to reach.
Consultation Fees
$150Medicare rebate $42.30 ($128.45 with EMSN)
Frequently Asked Questions
Our practice routinely asks you to have a 2nd pregnancy test around 4 days after the initial test to confirm if the pregnancy is behaving normally. All going well we do not advise more tests as we find it can increase your anxiety.
With IVF or embryo transfers, you are around 2weeks and 5 days pregnant on the day of transfer. The blood test 10 days later is at approximately 4 weeks pregnancy.
Start with your date of transfer and add 9 months, then take away 2 weeks! That is your approximate due date.
We usually wait until at least 6 weeks pregnancy. This is because by then we can usually see if there is a fetus and a heartbeat. Any earlier and we may only see a fluid filled sac. This means we will need to see you again and more expense to you.
Earlier scans are sometimes done to confirm there is a gestation sac and that it is in the uterus. We just may not be able to tell if the pregnancy is viable.
Light spotting or brownish loss is common and not usually a concern. Fresh bleeding and pain should see you contacting us or your doctor.