Articles and Posts

Articles and Posts

Welcome to our articles and posts that we have created. We hope you find some helpful information and insights into care and treatment . Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

Every aspect of your menstrual cycle provides you with information —the length, volume and colour of blood, timing of ovulation, basal body temperatures, PMS, and cramping—gives you information about your health. A “regular occurring” period comes about every twenty-eight days. It should sit between 3-5 days of bleeding, and replacement

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Stretch Marks

Oh, Hello Stretch Marks. Thank you for interrupting my once flawless skin. And whilst I acknowledge myself as a warrior-princess for growing life for the last nine months, I really don’t appreciate your lingering. Can you leave now? Okay, so Doctor Google has informed me that I am stuck with

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Hormone IUD

What is the Levonorgestrel IUD? The levonorgestrel IUD (intrauterine device) is one of the most effective forms of birth control with an efficacy rate of 99% in preventing pregnancy for up to five years. It is now the most commonly used form of contraception in Australia. It works by a low

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Donor material

Understanding Male Infertility

                                          Understanding Male Infertility   Culturally, the burden of fertility—and infertility—falls on women. However, male fertility plays just as big a role in trying to conceive. It is important we talk more about male infertility to ease the amount of pressure placed on women trying to fall pregnant surrounding fertility.

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Why you should choose to see us

Personalised Service

A team that knows you’re not just a number

Evidence based care

Science and Results

The best of medical care
Working with alternative options


Video or mobile for your convennience

Step 1

See your GP for referrals.

Step 2

Meet with us to discuss your concerns, assist you and offer advice

Step 3

We'll arrange necessary tests and investigations to help guide you

Step 4

Let's review and advise you on a suitable plan for your care

Step 5

You're on your way!

Take advantage of our 5 Step Pathway

We have developed our 5 Step Pathway to fertility care that streamlines your experience and care

We choose to partner with City Fertility Centre and Rainbow Fertility

A Global Leader in Fertility Care – Leading Australian Donor Banks

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